Tuesday, December 16, 2008

DIP Expo

Wow! I'm really speechless about last night. We held a digital expo at Andalusia High School, and the turnout was amazing. I'll post pictures later. We began in the auditorium with a welcome from Principal Daniel Shakespeare. We watched a video called, "Students caught dipping at AHS." Then Mayor Earl Johnson introduced House Speaker, Seth Hammett. Hammett had been instrumental in helping us receive funding and other support for the project. Our superintendent, Beverly McAnulty, invited everyone to the volleyball gym where our exhibits were. Refreshments were served in the library.

Seventeen teachers had project displays. We had videos of veteran interviews and our homecoming skit, models of the Eiffel Tower, cannons (that were actually fired), Spanish trading cards, lots of digital slideshows, political cartoons, global warming reports, and more. The most exciting part was the firing of the cannons. The digital slideshows were outstanding. We created a dramatic effect by showing them on the walls.

The students and teachers worked very hard all semester. We even had parents and guests wanting to know when we would have the next expo.

Last night a dream became a reality.

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