Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Today, my English 12 students used their laptops for the entire class block. They worked independently on their research papers on English poets from the 17th and 18th centuries. They used templates to create a 21st century resume for their poets. The results were quite humorous. For example, who knew that Wordsworth could blog! They also used templates to write their sentence outlines and continued taking notes. They will create wiki pages for their digital presentations.I was most impressed with the students' hard work. They really made good use of their time.

Students in my dual enrollment English 12/101/102 class did not use any technology in class. today. In fact, they went back in time, writing in-class essays on the theme of family love in Frankenstein. Students had to write about two characters from the book and themselves. I look forward to reading these essays. Students had to research and copy ten carpe diem quotations. They must also turn in their second set of notes for their research papers.

In French we began by checking our ePals. Students had new letters waiting for them from their pals in Belgium. They will write letters for me to approve and send to their pals. We're also using the site Lang-8 to practice writing. Students are studying food and restaurant vocabulary. We read sample dialogues in French to help students write their own. The dialogues will be set in a French cafe and make menus. We will go to Sugar Rush on Thursday to record videos and enjoy cafe and eclairs. Students are finishing their Eiffel Tower projects that they created with a geometry class. They are beginning a new project: creating a French magazine.

All three classes have been really busy. We are incorporating digital technology and project-based learning in many ways.

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