Saturday, November 1, 2008

Wiki Workshop NECC 2008

I’m still adding notes from NECC 2008. Some of these notes may not make much sense, but I can add to them as I learn more. I attended a very popular session called Wonderful World of Wikis, led by wellknown teacher, Vicki Davis.
Wiki Basic
I have a wikispace at; however, it is undeveloped at this time.
free educational wikis
1. Edit-Every change is recorded.
2. History-history of page, green added or red deleted
3. Groups-members of a wiki, collaboration of groups, group essays, removes barriers
4. Monitoring-email, RSS
5. Easy, free, no email, Add video to wiki page; post messages.
Vicki Davis
100% class participation, class wiki, download from wiki and save as files, projects, blog posting, vocabulary
Create template for student.
Use tags (a teacher’s best friend) Every assignment will have a tag.
Teach students to edit wikipedia responsibly.
Students will create their own wikis and post class notes. Students will begin by partnering across the room. Eventually, they can partner across the world.
Permission Settings
Manage space: public, protected, private
Lock assignment pages
Wiki vandalism: Take online spaces seriously. Computers are bad babysitters. Monitor carefully and punish students who break rules.
Why wiki? A blog is a journal, a wiki works for evolving content blogs, sharing, photos
Blogs are for opinions, reflection, and debate. Wikis are for facts and assignments.
People from all over the world can send bookmarks to students.
educational wikis–200 ideas
I know wikis will help my students with collaborative research projects. In senior English, students work in groups to research The Middle Ages. This year, they will collaborate on the AHS Legacy Project, which will involve researching the Classes of 1999, 1989, 1979, and 1969. Students will compile their research and write a skit for the annual homecoming production. This project will also involve input from our alumni. I must admit that I was hesitant to allow students to cite Wikipedia for their research. I have a better understanding of that site now.
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