Saturday, November 1, 2008

Taking a DIP

Posted on July 12, 2008 on

How can our school produce graduates who have mastered the basic competencies of language, reading, mathematics, science, and social studies; developed an artistic sensibility, and utilized digital technology? How can we produce independent, lifelong learners who will be responsible, productive members of the global world? How can we make students accountable for their education? How can we teach students to know and do? How can we teach our students to analyze, synthesize, evaluate, and create?The answer: DIPThe Digital Immersion Project (DIP) is an innovative idea created by AHS teachers for our students and teachers. DIP will provide educational hardware, software, curriculum, assessment, professional development, and technical support to our school.After receiving $129,000 in grant money, we bought Tablet PC’s and LCD projectors for our core classrooms.

This year, teachers from the departments of language arts, mathematics, science, and social sciences will participate, using digital technology to incorporate project-based learning as a method of teaching our graduation exam objectives and state courses of study. In December and May we will host an open house/tech fair to showcase the projects to the parents and community. As we enter this brave new world, we will become participants and creators. We will embrace Daniel Pink’s notion of a “whole new mind,” incorporating design, story, play, meaning, empathy, and humor. We will break out of our bubbles and join the flat world of the future.This project is about more than technology, grants, and project-based learning. It’s about building relationships and hope. DIP will reach all students, grades 9-12, regardless of ability level or socio-economic background. As success in learning builds confidence and self esteem, we hope our students will have happy and prosperous futures.

1 comment:

Dawn Thompson, Life Artist said...

This post brings tears to my eyes. I can't believe how far we've come in just a few months!